45. Cristian Plascencia - Co-Founder of The Durable Athlete


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4 Pillars to live a more optimized and sustainable life. Cristian Plascencia is the Co-Founder of The Durable Athlete. Prior to starting his own company he worked as the Durability Coach at Onnit Gyms in Austin,Texas where he specialized in educating coaches and athletes how to integrate movement and breathing techniques to assist in recovery protocols. As an expert in the space, Cristian works with Elite Professional Athletes, Performers and the general population realize small wins over time that add up to a more optimized individual.

In today’s show Cristian breaks down the 4 pillars that he and his team at the Durable Athlete have identified as pivotal in living an optimized life built for longevity. Cristian provides eye opening new perspectives on Sleep, Nutrition, Breath and Movement. The best part, all of these can be tried in real time while listening to this episode… except for sleep.

Mentioned In the Show:

Durable Athlete website: https://durableathlete.com/

The Oxygen Advantage, By Patrick McKeown - https://www.amazon.com/Oxygen-Advantage-Scientifically-Breathing-Techniques/dp/0062349473/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3PKX7MLMTX2RC&dchild=1&keywords=oxygen+advantage+by+patrick+mckeown&qid=1609800205&sprefix=oxygen+Advantag%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-2

Follow Cristian: 

Instagram: @cristiangplascencia

Ken Gunter