79. Dr. Todd Kashdan - Ted Lasso or Bob Knight? Motivation, Resilience and the Art of Insubordination with the founder of The Well-Being Lab
The Art of Insubordination
If you’re listening, Dr. Todd Kashdan hopes you disagree (at least with something). Dr. Kashdan is a leading expert on the psychology of well-being, curiosity, mental flexibility and social relationships. He is currently a Professor of Psychology and founder of the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University. He is an author of five books, including his most recent “The Art of Insubordination: How to dissent and defy effectively”.
In today’s episode Dr. Kashdan discusses why most “rebels” are not effective. The importance of Divergent Thinking. The need to instill fortitude in young athletes and the case for constructive coaching. Lessons learned in motivation from Phil Jackson to Bob Knight. What is principled insubordination and the right way to create change. Why your small talk is terrible and the reason you should embrace emotionally uncomfortable experiences.
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0:00 - No shortage of rebels, but are they effective?
8:00 - The importance of Divergent Thinking
11:00 - Fortitude - Ted Lasso or Bob Knight
18:00 - The case for constructive feedback
22:00 - How great coaches motivate their players
24:00 - Principled Insubordination - what today’s activists are getting wrong
30:00- What activists can learn from the gay rights movement
35:00 - Manipulation and the strategic path to progress and consideration of your enemy
44:00 - Phil Jackson and Dennis Rodman
46:00 - Relationship between curiosity and intelligence
55:00 - stop having small talk and key to great questions
1:03 - embrace emotionally uncomfortable experiences
1:08 - awareness of your own biases and limitations
Mentioned in Today’s Show:
Books by Dr. Kashdan:
Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively
Other books mentioned:
“Win Forever: Live, Work, and Play Like a Champion” - By Pete Carroll
Rayden’s story: https://vimeo.com/702702219
Follow Dr. Kashdan
website - https://toddkashdan.com/
Twitter: @toddkashdan
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