61. Chris Barnard - Overtime Athletes Founder, Elite Vertical Academy
Building a Foundation for Explosive Power with Isometrics
Chris Barnard is the founder and head strength and conditioning coach of Overtime Athletes. He provides coaching to elite professional athletes and amateurs alike, but has long been a leader in the online coaching and sports performance space making his team’s first class coaching available to the masses through Overtime Athlete’s popular online platforms. He also holds the high distinction of being this podcast’s very first guest.
In today’s show Chris discusses the research and testing that went into creating OTA’s new vertical jump program Elite Vertical Academy. He shares the thought process that led to his new modified triphasic training approach. Talks about the importance of building the foundation when training to improve speed and explosiveness. Explains the role of stimulus and why it’s not just about reps and sets. Lastly, reaffirms why it’s critical to tailor training to individual strengths and weaknesses and explains how he’s modified his own training with an eye on the future.
Mentioned In the Show:
Elite Vertical Academy: https://eliteverticalacademy.com/
Book: Triphasic Training by Cal Dietz
Follow Chris:
Overtime Athletes (OTA) website: https://overtimeathletes.com/
OTA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/overtimeathletes/?hl=en
OTA YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM4GEVa1Qi1CTdJg0ljdoow